Tuesday, April 7, 2009

happy today

I made a list of music that induces the feeling of finding out your parents died while a drunk, sadastic dentist is drilling into your fucking gums with rusty instruments..in a good way.

Sonic Youth-Confusion is Sex
Big Black-Rich Man's 8 Track
Velvet Underground-White Light/White Heat
Lou Reed-Metal Machine Music
Lightning Bolt-Beautiful Rainbow
Electric Wizard-Dopethrone
Nomeansno- Wrong
Godflesh-Street Cleaner

After listening to these albums and ruminating on the poetic hatred and disillusionment for a few years, I was inspired to write stories that will hopefully be published collectively sometime from either tomorrow or the day I die (hopefully the later will be spread apart generously from the first) The book will be named after a random tenament with hallways flooded and walls waterlogged with excrement and bloody semen and tiny rooms packed with dirty needles, broken promises and commandments and pans caked with several years worth of eggs. Excerpts shall be posted sporadically.